Friday, July 29, 2022

Fiinta cereasca cu maini de lut

Ce-mi tinea chipul incremenit

Intre degete deja infaptuite

In parul meu plimbandu-se

De parca ieri ne-am fi cunoscut.

Visam naiv ca ai putea fi zile si nopti

Vieti de-a dreptul

Contopita si una cu mine

Pana am inteles de fapt  

Ca tu esti definitia solitarului

Nu am stiut in ce vartej intru

Ca urma sa ma inec

Ca urma sa fiu indoliata

Sa-mi rup inima

Oricum sfasaiata.

Prin suflet cereai iubire

Prin minte, distanta


N-am stiut sa te manevrez

Azi stau si scriu despre tine

Cine ar fi zis

Ca un stalp poate deveni un copac

Care se clatina, doboara

De o iubire

De nici macar o primavara.

Keep me cold

Keep me warm

Is it me

Or is it you

Who’s bipolar?

Never will I stop loving you

Because you live trough my writings

With my biggest frightenings

Cause I could lose you one day

But what if you leave?

Will this heart be shattered again?

Is there anything left?

Or did all the women took a piece with them

Feeling they were the best

Maybe you can’t break it anymore

Cause there’s nothing in that chest

That was left

So my fear will disappear

Faster than it appeared