Friday, July 29, 2022

Fiinta cereasca cu maini de lut

Ce-mi tinea chipul incremenit

Intre degete deja infaptuite

In parul meu plimbandu-se

De parca ieri ne-am fi cunoscut.

Visam naiv ca ai putea fi zile si nopti

Vieti de-a dreptul

Contopita si una cu mine

Pana am inteles de fapt  

Ca tu esti definitia solitarului

Nu am stiut in ce vartej intru

Ca urma sa ma inec

Ca urma sa fiu indoliata

Sa-mi rup inima

Oricum sfasaiata.

Prin suflet cereai iubire

Prin minte, distanta


N-am stiut sa te manevrez

Azi stau si scriu despre tine

Cine ar fi zis

Ca un stalp poate deveni un copac

Care se clatina, doboara

De o iubire

De nici macar o primavara.

Keep me cold

Keep me warm

Is it me

Or is it you

Who’s bipolar?

Never will I stop loving you

Because you live trough my writings

With my biggest frightenings

Cause I could lose you one day

But what if you leave?

Will this heart be shattered again?

Is there anything left?

Or did all the women took a piece with them

Feeling they were the best

Maybe you can’t break it anymore

Cause there’s nothing in that chest

That was left

So my fear will disappear

Faster than it appeared

Monday, February 28, 2022

I play it on repeat

Zvarcolit mi-e trupul

Dintr-un cearsaf in altul

Dar niciunul ca al tau

Alb, imaculat

Suflet impartit

Pe toate gardurile

Aruncat in stanga si-n dreapta

Cu durere si apasare

M-ai ratacit

Printre maini straine

In alte lenjerii

De pat


Credeam ca voi ramane in alb

Dar n-am picat decat in negru

Si corpul nu-mi mai e integru

Il gasesti pe bucati

La toti

Ia-l bucata cu bucata

Daca poti

Eu nu-l mai gasesc de mult

De o mana trage cineva

In dreapta, tu cu mana ta

Nu credeam vreodata

Ca sentimentul poate persista

Cand nu sunt in lenjeria ta

Parca mi-e pierduta toata lumea.

Gol ne-nchipuit

Cu-n suflet mult ciobit

In pietre mai citesti

Silabele-mi sufletesti

Thursday, February 24, 2022

When hell is burning

Your back is turning

Next to me

To hold you still

Keep you free

Only God knows

I lied when I said I took a dose

You look me in my eyes

They’re full of tears

I’m not the one who cries.

So if this was not meant to be

And baby

I should set you free

Make your first step maybe

And leave me where the light meets darkness.

Make one step back

Unstable my track

Leave me right now

Don’t you ask me how

Do it, don’t look back

This is the massive attack.

Monday, February 21, 2022

I follow

Kissing your red lips 

They taste like wine

God, it feels so divine

But how much will this last?

A second? A week? A lifetime?

You already commited a crime

I belived in you at the very first sign

Believed that our planets will align

But then you left

Leaving behind an empty chest

And now I have to fill the void

But my soul is already destroyed

I gave you my heart

But you painted it black

It was your favourite color

In medicine they call it “dolor”

I would run and never look back

Cause the first day we met

I knew my soul will be shattered into small pieces

And you will leave my adrenaline 

Forever increased

And now I will build those walls again

So nobody can climb them 

Causing me pain

And I’ll forget how it made me feel 

Cause this wasn’t real.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Trei prapastii
A patra o privesc din picioare
Trei abisuri
Al patrulea plin de racoare
Trei adancimi
A patra stau in genunchi
Trei cimitire
Al patrulea e priveghi
Trei vieti
A patra pe langa
Trei izvoare
Si o mama langa.



De sus in jos, capul imi explodeaza, crede ca ar fi in siguranta la spital si gandeste de unul singur. Ochii vor sa vada o alta realitate, distorsiuni, scurgeri, peste 100°, lumini. Urechile vor sa auda frigidere vechi, zgomote mult mai puternice fata de cat sunt ele, sau poate comploteaza cu mintea, care le cere asta. Buzele imi sunt amortite, parca ies fluturii prin ele. Pieptul, in piept vrea sa iasa acel ceva, doar cand vrea, si se zbate puternic din interior. Mana dreapta e amortita, se taie de undeva de la cot, cea stanga nu e afectata tot timpul. Stomacul se simte ca ulcerul fara pofta de mancare. Picioarele se misca mult, nu stiu de ce.